Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Writing Year.

My Writing. 


I added 45880 words to my novel.
I wrote 8 articles for Divine, of which 7 were published.
Blog posts: 50
Number of days I wrote on: 365
I also enjoyed three days of the Melbourne Writers Festival.

My Novel Writing.

I started the year thinking I had a couple of chapters to write to finish my novel. Yeah right. About 24 chapters later, I am finally sure I am writing the last chapter. In a way, I am glad it has taken so long to get to the end as I was having problems working out how to bring it thematically to a conclusion. I always knew how the novel would end plot wise, but it took me until chapter 105 to figure out how to complete the theme or concept of the novel. The manuscript currently has 213,558 words.


 My Reading Year.

I seemed to be always too tired to read at night, so I should be happy that I actually managed to read 11 books. But I ain’t.

Why Do I Write?

A post on Google asked the question: Why do you write? They wanted an answer in one sentence.  With a less than impressive year of writing and reading, I asked myself that question. Here’s why I write:

I write stories I would like to read about the challenges I expect people will face in the future.

There you go. How about you?

Writing Aims For 2014

Once I write the last 1000 words of my novel, this year is going to be one of redrafting and editing. I have the second drafts of two novel manuscripts and one novella to keep me busy. I also want to get back into critiquing, including critiquing a few novels. 

And, most importantly, I finished the year with a Klout of 50.


Anthony J. Langford said...

Nice work Graham.
That's dedication.

I hope you get that novel into shape this year - though has more chance of publication as a trilogy. Either way, its some achievement.

Graham Clements said...

Hi Anthony.

I reckon I will be cutting out at least 50,000 words when I redraft it. There is plent of scope for cutting.

At least the other manuscript has only 128,000 words.