This is a photoshop mock-up of what I am trying to do:
And that is just the homepage. If you are curious how I am going, the website is under construction at It needs to be complete in four weeks time.Those little arrows on the side of the slideshow took hours to figure out.
I have done alright in the course so far, I scrapped in a high distinction for the previous web design subject and a distinction for the other communications subject. Nice to get high marks, but that is not what I am doing the course for, I am doing it to learn to build websites from scratch using code.
I have been averaging 40 hours a week studying and after my two hours per day exercising and gardening there is not much time for writing. I do a few minutes every day. In about five weeks my subjects for my degree will change to more theory, so less of spending four hours trying to get an icon to brighten on a web page. Then I hope to have more time to write and read, I rarely have time to read for pleasure these days.
Yes I'd noticed your absence but knew you were busy.
Great skills to learn which will come in very handy no doubt. Perhaps you could sex up my website too haha
Hopefully it will take you to the places you want to go. Work from home?
Congrats on the High Distinction too. Great work.
Good to hear from you Anthony.
Yep, i aim to be working from home, freelancing, hopefully my writing skills combined with my yet to develop web design skills will help me develop some sort of business. As anyone who works in information technology is considered obsolete after age 35, I doubt whether anyone will employ me. Perhaps with the length of time that Divine is taking to redevelop their site - it has been dormant for four months now - I might be employed when I finish the course to redevelop it.
The disability site is no longer online, I have replaced it with the author website I constructed for myself in an earlier subject.
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